Creating access for Pakistani FA/FSc students to the university of London international programmesThe CertHE Common Law previously known as the "Diploma in Law" is now being offered at SIL. As well as being a qualification in its own right, the CertHE Common Law has been uniquely designed to provide an access route to degree-level study the University of London International Progammes for students who do not possess the required standard British school leaving qualifications (O Levels and A Levels but have instead studied under the matriculation and intermediate system of education in Pakistan.
CertHE Common Law students study the subjects that are studied by 1st year LLB Hons students. The difference is that CertHE Common Law students are given additional coaching in English Language as well as Study Skills to support them with the rigours of the course.
Students successfully completing the CertHE Common Law, have the option of continuing their studies by transferring into the second year of the LLB Hons programme thereby working towards attaining the complete undergraduate degree in Law through the University of London International Programmes. Students must be 18 years of age to apply and be able to demonstrate the ability, motivation and self-discipline to study at degree level.
Your teaching Institution will also provide classes in study skills and where necessary, additional english language support.